Goal 8

FAHR: With Updated Version and Outstanding Services, FAHR Smart Application is a Success Story which reflects FAHR's Proactive Efforts

Since its inception, the Federal Authority for Government Human Resources (FHAR) has been keen to achieve the goals of comprehensive sustainable development, especially those related to ensuring Decent Work and Economic Growth. Racing against time, FAHR is always striving to update Human Resources Policies and Legislation that regulate federal government's work, along with developing electronic and smart Human Resources, so as to keep pace with this rapid change, and even anticipate it. FHAR aims to overcome the obstacles facing its customers, in general, and federal government employees, in particular, especially in terms of enabling them to benefit from its services around the clock and to conduct all their Human Resources procedures by themselves. Eight years ago, FAHR launched its smart application "FAHR", inclusive of a group of key services, most notably those that enable federal government employees to undertake all Human Resources procedures required thereby through it, from anywhere, all by themselves. "FAHR" has achieved the success desired and witnessed a great interaction from staff and customers alike. Over the past years, FAHR has been updating its smart application by adding services, simplifying procedures and improving the interface, utilizing the best programming languages and artificial intelligence, till forty services are currently included therein. "FAHR" is a platform for completing Human Resources procedures in the federal government; from the outset of the current year until the end of October, federal government employees have implemented more than 151,000 Human Resources procedures thereon. FAHR Application is now available on all Apple, Google Play and Huawei AppGallery stores. Within the framework of continuous investment in the latest technologies and stemming from FAHR's keenness to raise the level of services provides to customers thereby, FHAR, with the advent of November 2022, has launched the updated version of its smart application "FAHR", adding nine new services that directly benefit federal government employees and make it easier for them to conduct all their Human Resources procedures, in a faster and simpler manner. The services provided by "FAHR" directly benefit employees of more than forty federal ministries and entities, especially services related to smart Human Resources systems and procedures in the federal government. Thus, "FAHR" is a unified smart platform that allows employees to complete all their HR procedures on their own, through their mobile devices, without the need to refer to HR departments in their organizations. "FAHR" simplifies Human Resources procedures, makes it easier for employees, saves time and effort for human resources departments and enables them to further focus on strategic tasks, responsibilities and projects in their organizations.