Did you know that Steven Spielberg, Jennifer Aniston, and Thomas Edison were born with Dyslexia? Albert Einstein and Cher suffered Dyscalculia. They among many other names ached a form of neurologically-based processing problems. Enlightening the students about learning difficulties, Zayed University Department of Student Accessibility Services (SAS) has recently organized an awareness campaign urging them to self-check different sorts of the disorder that may affect their full learning potential. With numbers on the rise, Fatma Al Qassimi, Director, Student Accessibility Services Department, said that many students in ZU suffer a form or more of learning difficulties, "Compared to 90 students last year, today we have over 105 students that experience Learning difficulty disorders such as ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia, Dysgraphia, and memory issues."