Goal 17

The Federal Authority for Government Human Resources: A Success Story in Partnership and Integration

Because it believed since its inception in the importance of partnership and integration, in achieving its strategic and sustainable development goals, which are in line with the nature of its work, the Federal Authority for Government Human Resources (FAHR), has sought to strengthen its relationship and partnership with the parties that have the same business and goals, in a manner that are in line with the county's interests. The purpose is to maintain a professional image for the Authority, helps in achieve its strategic objectives, and develop HR systems, legislation and procedures provided to facilitate its operations. Over the past few years, the Authority achieved great success regarding building partnerships and integration. They included cooperation with several federal and local government entities, as well as private sector establishments, academic institutions, expert houses, and Arab and international governments, recognizing the importance of sharing experiences and transferring expertise and knowledge, for the purpose of developing human capital. To confirm its deep concern with the issue of partnership and government cooperation to implement joint national projects and enhance government efficiency, the Authority signed memoranda of understanding and set up joint working teams. For example, it cooperates with the Ministry of Finance in providing the infrastructure for "Bayanati" System, and with the TDRA and Ministry of Finance, in the form of a work team to implement the future vision of "Bayanati" system. The Authority also participates in a work team with the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization to promote the implementation of Emiratization policy at the national level and worked to strengthen partnership with local governments to provide human resources data. The Authority's most prominent partnerships during the past years were with the Ministry of Health and Prevention, as well as health authorities in local governments. These partnerships aimed to develop procedures for proactive services provided to Federal Government employees, such as sick leave procedures, with the Ministry of Possibilities to implement the first package of proactive e-services at the state level "Mabrouk Ma Yak", which is a unique integrated e-service that unburdens UAE nationals from the elaborate procedures required to obtain documents for their newborn. Partnerships are also extended to include the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship, within the electronic linkage project for population register, the General Pensions and Social Security Authority to enhance procedures for transferring employees and end of service, as well as the Presidency of the Council of Ministers in several projects.